Jerry Hopkins: Judgmental Silence | opinion



Silence speaks. Especially when critical issues and deadly consequences are at stake and dominate. Think of the “religious” movement known as Islam, which today comprises more than a quarter of the 7.125 billion world population – around 1.6 billion people (23 percent) worldwide are Muslim and are growing every day due to births and proselytizing. This number is staggering in terms of the overall rate of growth of all religious movements. This is not the most serious problem of this religious ideology, which dominates the thoughts and actions of billions. The number of people entering the United States is enormous, growing through both births and immigration. Many people have mistakenly assumed that the God of Islam is just the Christian God with a different name because Islam insists on monotheism. Some have replied to previous columns with this disagreement, as I have clearly stated that Allah and Jehovah are not the same thing. If you research and study the two carefully, you will not be able to accept this idea with any credibility.

Islam is not a religion of peace and freedom. History clearly reveals what Islam produces and makes available for the whole world to see and understand Allah. Consider these terrible and formidable facts that cannot be refuted or denied. Every year there are over 5,000 “honor killings†in which parents kill their own children or family members who allegedly “dishonor†Islam through blasphemous acts (ie, dating non-Muslims, wearing Western clothing, converting to another religion). That’s not the only fact. Consider what radical Islamists have done over the past few decades, murdering several thousand innocent people in the United States and many more in other parts of the world. In America, many women were murdered in “honor killings” by Islamist husbands or fathers.

Before that time, think about what our nation’s leadership faced and suffered weakly – the 1998 bombings on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, in which 224 people were killed and 4,500 were injured; the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen, killing 17 soldiers; the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, killing six people and injuring 1,050. These are horrific facts. Few, if any, Muslim voices have been raised condemning these atrocities and murders. Even our presidents, while acknowledging these tragedies and terrorist acts, embraced the idea that Islam is a religion of peace!

Wherever Islam controls cultures, governments and societies, there is no freedom of religion or civil liberty! Just look at some of the countries where Sharia rules and you will understand what those who follow Islam want to impose on America and the whole world, not just Western nations. This is supported by the Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Horam, Hezbollah, Al-Qaida, Hamas, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Muslim Students’ Association (MSA), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP) and many more. Many claim that there may be radicals in these interconnected organizations, but many are “moderate” and peaceful. The facts are different. They have been linked to violence, terror and murder if they do not directly support such actions, refuse to condemn or cut off radical support. Condemned silence!

There are millions of good, peace-loving Muslims out there, but they keep silent in the face of intimidation and violence. My aim is not to encourage hatred or hostility towards Muslims, but rather to expose the fact that Islam is not peaceful. Read the Koran! Yes, there are passages that speak of peace and harmony with those who are “People of the Book,” but what they mean by that is very different from what many in the West assume.

Read the Koran! (Of course, Islamists insist that only the Quran is legitimate in Arabic, but most of us have to accept translations.) Consider these quotes.

“Oh, you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians as friends â€(Quran 5:51).

“When you meet the unbelievers (in battle), hit them on the neck” (Quran 47: 4).

“Kill them wherever you catch them†(Quran 2: 191).

“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger is execution or crucifixion or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land†(Quran 5:33).

“Fight against those who neither believe in Allah nor in Judgment Day, nor consider what Allah and His Messenger has forbidden, and who do not recognize the religion of truth (even if they are) of the people of the Scriptures until pay do the jizya with willful submission and feel submissive. â€- Quran 9:29.

This is the holy book of Islam that clearly reveals what the radicals and the majority of Muslims believe. A judgmental silence reveals what lies ahead of an America that embraces Sharia law and submission to Islam. Religious freedom will be gone. We will see prison costs decrease; a solution to gay-lesbian gender dilemmas. Education costs fall when women and girls no longer need school. This religious totalitarian ideology hates and wants to kill anyone who opposes Islam by rejecting tolerance and despising any dissent. The only option is submit or die!

What is the solution? We must pray for our Muslim neighbors and not fear or hate them. We must love them and show them the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. The solution to radical, murderous Islam is the salvation of God’s grace and goodness through Jesus. We need the work of God’s Spirit to face this terrible enemy, not with enmity or hostility, but with love, kindness and kindness. We must not be silent in the rising tide of Islamic violence and terror. Jesus lives. He calls us all, including the Islamists, to salvation and to the Church of Jesus Christ. He is the peacemaker and peacemaker in every human being and among the peoples of the earth.

– You can send your thoughts to [email protected] or mail to Dr. Send Jerry Hopkins, PO Box 1363, Marshall, Texas 75671. Dr. Jerry Hopkins is a retired historian and professor.



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